My biomathcraft blog was getting so full that I needed to reorganise.
I do my drawings with my left hand, (heart side, right brain).
I use a pendulum to dowse what colours my subconscious would have me use;
It seems to me to be Pulling Pictures out of the unconscious.
I hope that my heart also speaks its feelings as I play with colours.
I hope folk might like some of these images.
The drawing above was made in 2004, in colour pencils, of an imaginary "Deva", a landscape angel.
There are hills, a creek and wildflowers. One day I might paint it up with acrylics, like watercolour, screen prints. Meanwhile I kind of like the softer look of colour pencils.
My Response to Pablo Picasso.
Sydney is having a real exhibition of this great artist's works at the Art Gallery of NSW and I hope to see it soon. Meanwhile there was a story 22 June 2011 in the news. An American man turned up on the doorstep of Dr M. Spence, Vice Chancellor of Sydney University. In his hand luggage was a original painting by Picasso. It was "Jeune Fille Endormie", of his lover Marie Therese Walter, one of his more lyrical, joyful paintings, made in 1935.
This was one item amongst others of a generous bequest to the university from the anonymous donor.
The money will be spent on staff positions in a new centre for obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
It is easy to have a look online to see this painting.
I was curious as to what might emerge if I used my own way of drawing my feelings. It is surely a surprise! It is more like "Jeune Fille Wakes Up!" Upside down it looks like a shaman in a forest.
As with many of my previous such" drawings", there appear brown and purple shapes which I see as Aboriginal Spirit Beings! They are to left and right. I have enormous admiration for Australian's Aboriginal People and their Culture which has been here for tens of thousands of years. There is great energy very sacred in this great Land and we should not be ruining it all with mad mining! We are digging out uranium as if there is no tomorrow, and without caring for the suffering of the people in Fukushima. In India, careless mining of coal and uranium has destroyed the agricultural lands of the indigenous Adivasi people who are starveing. Not very kind of us, I am sorry to have to declare.
It is my feeling that the Ancestors are not idle, and that we have many "Invisible Helpers". We have huge problems in our world, much of which has to do with our Health. I have a lot of thoughts about this! One day I might get it together to write an essay on this matter. My past experiences have been with Primal Therapy amongst many other interests, so I have gathered my own world view over my 66 years on this wonderful Planet.
If the Planet were cared for carefully instead of abused, then we might all be much healthier.
I think we presently are unable to be perfect yet because of thousands of years of trauma and suffering which we need to process in our consciousnesses, and we are all in it together.
St Julian of Norwich is said to have said "All will be well, and all manner of things will be well"
I'm not sure what she would have thought of the Inquisition, etc. An anchoress, she was born in 1342.
Some spelling of her name is Juliana of St Julian's Curch, Norwich in Norfolk. UK.
Anastasia of the Ringing Cedars Series said that it might have been "necessary" for us to go through a time of Chaos. May the good prevail.
Many say that we all need to Wake Up and to take a good look at many grievious matters such as war.
I think we are all trying to do our best. People who do something terrible are also doing their best; it's just that something has happened to damage them. No-one in their right mind would do something terrible.
Let us hope we can all help each other to understand. Art helps because some trauma is preverbal.
This is just the beginning of Many Images to be revealed as time goes on. Happy colouring-in!
My friend in Canada described me as her mentally retarded friend who loves colouring in.
I am glad to be alive and curious and able to share ideas like this.