Sunday, November 22, 2015

There is exquisite Sensitivity.

What is this?  you might ask.
I gave it the title Ho-onopono,  which is the Hawaiian Forgiveness Therapy.

Result seems to be a big red head (angry?)  or Planet.
Inside is a window, with a male and female (faces) shape and a child, in a gold and blue, purple and pink environment.
Colour pencils.   Lines made with left hand.  Dowsing with pendulum to choose colours and to bypass left brain intellect,  to get to unconscious.....

An expression of the primal innocence of humankind.
And of the extreme sensitivity of our Planet Earth.
She feels the touch of each gentle hand.
And she feels the torture of all the disrespect and the assault on her.
On Earth as it is in the Family.

Hence it is my thesis as I have been describing all along.
There are reasons for all our suffering.
And there may be solutions if we can change our innermost attitudes.

Wonderful people, writing books.   Dr Michel Odent.  Dr Theo Colborne.

The Human is exquisitely sensitive,  from the moment of conception, if not before.
Chemistry, Biology.  Nurture, Nature.

Please bear with me.  There is text to follow.  Not easy to compile and publish.