Monday, December 24, 2018

Melbourne 2017 December.

This one might look better painted up.  One feels the ancient Aboriginal presence.......eyes......

Tom Bass sculpture of the childrens tree.  Corner of Collins St and ....I looked for it years ago and could not find it.  This time I just walked up from railway station ....? st...and bumped into it!

The purpose of my visit was to see the Japanese Woodcuts Exhibition of Hokusai....I have trouble remembering...or Hiroshige...(I am 73!)   at the National Gallery of Victoria.  Massive collection!   He was famous for "The Great Wave"  and "100 Views of Mt Fuji".

2018 Pics.

Not  many this year.....

They should be edited but new computer (old one's battery died)  and I lost my Zoombrowser.  Technology keeps changing,  and I don't know how to do things.....