Wednesday, September 23, 2020

We are Connected to Our Ancestors; Earthly Family and Spiritual Family.


Is it the end of the world?  Should I make my peace with God?  Say goodby to my family,  or spend more time with them?   What if rogue planet Nibiru gets too close?  Volcanoes are popping off,  40 to 50,  maybe even 90 of them-  the Ring of Fire is thick!  Please see YouTube  Dutchsinse on earthquakes etc.  He is spot on!  and young.  The young people are showing up with their gifts and skills.

13 rainbow spheres,  23 or more gold spheres = spirits?  how many hearts?

   34 ancestors;  one baby this generation.

Why did I make the sun black?  Well, I asked the pendulum;  I dowsed it, and answer was "black".

Is this all there is?   I will have more to add sometime.


More:  11/11/2020.

This is the crib sheet, telling us what it all means.  Baby Julian on LHS is first Vanamois baby born in 37 years!  His French and English ancestors and family LHS,  his Austrian and Estonian family and ancestors on RHS.   Heart at lower middle are my father and mother, his great grandparents;  central.

Stars with red centre are husbands of aunties, grand aunties and great grands nearby, etc.

***Please click on images to enlarge them and see it all better.  Thank you.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

I am Wide Awake picture

 This was begun in May 2020, and finished only recently,  16/8/2020.  more detailed than usual;  butterflies,  13 rainbow spheres,  5 yellow hearts,  3 hearts other colours;  all Fibonacci numbers.  There is even a corona virus-  around the mouth-    all to do with troubling things happening in Australia and the world.   We have to live through it all,  even the lies they tell us about CO2 and about coronavirus.  Something very bad is going on.  all over the Planet. 

 We humans are so trusting and do not expect to be treated badly by the Powers that Be.  However-  Agenda 21-  and Agenda 2030-    that is inhuman and anti human.  The only way I can cope with it all is to practise Gratitude for everything and anything.  It is a Spiritual Practice of great Power.  If only we can harness it with humility.  Ego can mess it up,  but we all are Learning.

There is more to add, and I will do it later.
