Thursday, October 25, 2012

Forgive Seventy Times Seven.

I was very distressed when the Australian government expelled the Syrian Ambassador to Australia and his family.  The young daughter was preparing for her final school exams including the Baccalaureate.  I do not know what is really happening in the Middle East.  Some say that it comes from outside.  

What if after Sept 11 there had been a restraint from retaliation 
in true Christian  way from US President?  
After all, the great teacher Jesus said, when asked "How many times should I forgive my brother?"
 replied-  "Not seven times, but seventy times seven times."
Gospel of Matthew 18: 15 - 35.

The drawing gives me the feeling that our adversarial governments over the whole world
are driving us crazy and themselves too, I guess.
 In our innermost hearts we want good;  we just need good examples. 
 There are broken people everywhere;  
Find a book called "Zero Empathy" by a Professor Simon Baron Cohen... 
It is a matter for endless Compassion.
I could write more,  but there is a lot on my mind,  and so many drawings are already done, 
 it will be a big task to document them all.  I will try my best.

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