Thursday, March 27, 2014

Easter- Decorated Eggs

Pysanky eggs are traditionally made in Ukraine.
There is a monster in the mountains and he is held secure by chains.
Every year the little elves go out into the world to count how many eggs are decorated at Easter time.   If many are made, the chains are tight and the monster is unable to escape.  If not many are made, the chains loosen and the monster can run around in the land and cause havoc!   And.  In the year when  NO EGGS are made,  then the World will End!  Needless to say,  the little children are assiduous in decorating eggs, like anything!  The mothers dress in National costume and share the occasion and activity with friends.

This egg is 40 years old!  It was not blown empty.  The contents simply dried out over time.  Many eggs do explode,  but this one is ok.  It was designed by Jimmy age 8.  He had been shown a traditional Ukrainian egg with with wheat, cross, water etc motifs.  He got the idea at one glance,  and made his own original Australian animals design.  We must never underestimate the abilities of little children!

You can find instructions online, from a Melbourne Ukrainian Society website....

More recently,  (2010) local children made decorated eggs.
Wash off any oil by bathing eggs in water with a splash of vinegar.  Dry well.
Blow them empty, or not.
Make a hole in each end with, say, a screw;  and blow one end till all contents are out.

Use a bottle top lid or a cut section of roll inside toilet paper;  eggs sit up firmly.
Paint with acrylic paint, using a paintbrush.  Mask some areas to mimic batik method.
eg the blue gold and black  bands, sun, stars and moon is an elegant design by a young man, Alex.
Silver and gold paint is nice to use....  sharpen an ordinary light colour crayon to draw on the egg-  this resists the colour;  is like batik.



This  next one is a gift I made for someone.....  the basket is made from pine needles or casuarina needles, or small bunches of grass,  oversewn with cotton or wool .....
Happy Easter!


More  10/4/2014  

Murringo Easter Tree 2010

From "Creative Crafts"  Magazine April 1977;  Lithuanian Easter Eggs
Wax resist,  or scratched with a sharp blade
These next ones might be Ukrainian.  Very old pictures.  The lady is using a "kistka"  which is heated in a candle flame, loaded with beeswax,  and the design is drawn.  Succesive baths in dye and further application of wax design  until done.  Then place in a very warm oven to melt wax.  Polish with a soft cloth and you have a jewel- like pysanky egg.  We used to use coloured crepe paper in hot water and a splash of vinegar as dye, in 1980s,  but now the modern crepe paper does not bleed colour,  so we need to find new ways eg acrylic paint which adds a skin of colour,  but does not penetrate the egg surface, so one needs to be careful.  Painters' masking tape can be cut into strips to create similar "batik" effect.
Click on images to enlarge.

Bradley wearing Easter Bonnet with blue rabbit ears,  and Zoe on the school bus.

Shop window in Young.
Happy Easter!

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