Saturday, January 25, 2020

Gratitude when I feel Depressed

It felt strange today-  after all that has been happening - the wildfires etc, I felt depressed yesterday.  I had been out in the garden and that was wonderful.  My radio is not working, so one month without radio is strange.  I am left with my own thoughts to tackle me.
I could not think what was bothering me... so I used my pendulum, dowsing, asking myself questions and finding yes or no response.
At such times it is good to do a picture.  I asked myself for a title,   no no no to a number of thoughts and ideas.  Then "Gratitude to the First People of Australia, the aborigines, for their having looked after this land so beautifully for 60,000 years or more"
The American Indians did the same.  They burnt forest areas to renew them.  What if----aboriginal ancestor spirits are telling people   "it is time to light the fires- you should have been doing it gradually every year, but now the leaf litter is too much,  it will burn too much."
So here is the pic- animals are in it again, and two aboriginal folk = always in brown and purple.

five hearts, one rainbow sphere are in pic.
Click on image to see more clearly.
The First Peoples dwelt in lands of great biodiversity.  Wildflower, butterflies, insects, birds, all kinds of plants and creatures.    The present world is intent on destroying all living things with mining,  smart cities, 5G etc.  No wonder I feel despair!  I try to write letters to people in person, and my blogs have it all, expressed as much as I can.  Maybe it can help Planet Earth.  Some cleansing might happen to create a New Earth.  Such a Thought is a bit of comfort.

Monday, January 20, 2020

It is to Save Australia and the World.

It is to save Australia and the World, one koala at a time.
I wondered what I was feeling, so did a pic.
It looks like a koala in a forest.  A spirit koala?  It has quite an elaborate headdress.
13 rainbow spheres. 5 hearts, one star top rhs.  Fibonacci numbers.  Sympathetic magic.

We have a lot of troubles.  Forestry North Coast NSW is cutting down trees in  koala habitat-  it takes a long time to grow the right trees.  After fire they grow back.
I think they are cutting trees so that 5G towers can go up = to surveillance us all.  Oh dear.
We need to write to NSW Premier.  As if she would listen.  Money talks too loud.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

A Primal Scream....

The times are anxious.  There are Wildfires in Australia-  and some of our nicest places are being ravaged.  Sapphire, South Coast,  Bairnsdale area, Snowy Mountains, Blue Mountains and more.  It is more than should be.  Satellite pictures show hot spots can come suddenly, 
 in grids!   Kangaroo Island, for one.  There is lithium and tantalum in quantity and looks like someone wants to get people and wildlife out so they can mine.  Mad technology cares not for life.
I don't know what to say or who to say it to.  

Friday, January 3, 2020

A Happy New Year, 2020.

It might be a happy new year 2020 for some, but not for all.  See Jim Lee's 3D globe. and weather/fireand volcanoes/maps/fire detection australia new zealand last 24 hours.  You can see also earthquake activity, real time.  And Ionospheric Heaters- map- all over the world.  this is the technology which is heating up the planet!.
***********CO2 is innocent**********
so here are my new pictures, getting better than ever.  Feelings.  Unspoken words.  Pre verbal memories. Visions if we are lucky.  Don't be afraid to ask for miracles.  We human beings are Creators.  The nonhuman "controllers" have kept us in slavery for aeons.  The Tartaria researchers have found out a lot of our lost history.  Please see youtube Jon Levi, newearth and so many more.
May we get better at the business and the joy of Real Life on Earth.

Title 1.    " I  Do  Not  Want  Your  Stupid  New  World  Order", or their approval.  We are Sovereign, or we should very well be.  Let us  Arm ourselves with Love and balance out equivalent dark forces.  The Dark has been useful and even maybe absolutely necessary - to Polish our Souls.

Title 2.    ....I can't remember... I am staying in motel in town,  it is so Hot and possibly catastrophic weather this weekend, all over Australia.  I am frightened.   The Holocaust has arrived and it is in Australia.   The next seven days are designated to be catastrophic.  Yet the nights are cool, benign.

People here are decent and good natured-  they help each other-  it is our saveing grace.  I am here to watch events unfold and to be grateful for everything.  My dear friend Jan in the Blue Mountains said the immortal words, "Worry will not put out the flames.  Be grateful for the stuff we do have,"  Bravo, Jan.  We are all in this together.  It is as if we are in The Baptism by Fire.
Maybe the outcome could be a surprise, a good nice surprise.  Fear makes us expect the worst.  Even if the worst happens, surely there is Justice in the Universe.  Banquet for all human beings and for all creatures.  Nectar of the gods and we are little gods-in-the-making,  make no mistake about that.  There are a myriad of wonderful people with all kinds of Talents - music, gardening, cooking.  One of my favourites is LiZiQi. of China.  Exquisite lady, wise and fun.

So here is the picture, to do with Fire.  I wish people might make comments.  What does this image SAY to you?  I would be most interested to hear what people think and how you respond.  Happy New Year!  and we are well on the way to the Jubilee of Jubilees-  in 2024 or so they say.  Look it up!

******************Fibonacci numbers rule.      8 rainbow spheres.    All my pictures have this-     1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, .....just kidding.
 It is another way to discover how to use sympathetic magic,  and dowsing helps,   =to get to the secrets in the unconscious, the heart unconquered, the right brain (as opposed to the wrong brain, not).  Resonance.  Spirit.  Movement.  Guidance.  Simplicity.  Cosmic, Tiiu, right,  cheer up, "Everything will be all right," as my father used to say, even when times were grim.  Dear Dad, and Mum, and my dear 3 brothers.....2020 is on her Way, not to doom we hope-  to another category, dimension, imagine what kind of world do we Really wish for, in our deepest hearts?  Realise it is ok to imagine, google it.  Use what we got even if it is manure.  Or gold.  Good fortune and safe journey.