Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 October and December.

11/10/2015  "a hot chemtrail day"
I guess I was distressed and depressed.  The sky was full of chemtrails and I get the creeps when I think there might be some poisons ans nano microchips raining down upon us and we breathe them in.  the plants absorb them.  My garden has not been altogether happy the last few years and I wonder if chemtrails are causing trouble?

Often when I am depressed the drawings turn out to be orderly and controlled, even rigid,  as if the minimum is all I can cope with.  My brain filters out unnecessary stuff so that I can cope with the minimum of stress.....

24/10/2015  "I feel sick and horrible.  Sorry!"

30/12/2015 "I feel quite distressed at all the scurrilous things going on in the world!"

One is the Large Hadron Collider in CERN Switzerland, deep underground.
Outside it is a Statue of Dancing Shiva, the Destroyer.
Nearby I saw a large red half ball rather like the munadama on top of Suza in Japan!
 I drew it in my notepad, but lost the name of the actual video-  unable to find it again!
They are ramping up the juice to 7 trillion electrovolts!  Dec 2015
But Gaia sent a lightning strike at the same time as a group of people were meditating on halting the Collider.... and LHC lost power and only managed to make a 1mm hole into the 4th dimension, enough to communicate, not to bring things through.  See Simon Parkes' videos on YouTube.  But they have a second ring to the Collider.  Plus there is one outside Chicage, there will be one in Japan,   and the Chinese are building a Collider 4 times larger than the Great Hadron!
Insert later:
I did find this on YouTube
"CERN - The End of the World is on January 7th 2016"     by Cloud Smoke
at 5:11 or 5:14  there is a big red ball...

plus there is the Dancing Shiva at 8:06.

There is more info which is related.  Do your own research.  Seems AI is involved....

 This picture above I began yesterday  31/12 2015.  It looks  like  3 Robot Heads!
Title of picture is "How will I cope in my Life?'
But there are rainbow colours.  and Green and earthy colours.   It might be Healing....

Someone says that I do channelling when I do these pictures-  but my wish is that the only one I would like to channel is _Gaia.   Mother Earth.

"I love you Life,  I love you Love,  I love you Mother Earth" is my mantra.  We should sing it every morning.  Support Her and Her Beauty.  There is invading AI artificial intelligence which wants our planet.  They may be Velon,  or Galactic Federation pretending to be Ascended Masters.......

Humans have the Power to Love;  we have been training for many lifetimes!  When the time comes to act, it is said that we will know what to do.  At present things might feel terrible,  but we as a human race do Choose collectively what Timeline we are to go along.  And maybe it is changing all the time,  as we change.  So let's talk to each other,  and find out what is really going on.  Coal mines are being permitted over vast areas in east Australia.  It feels totally wrong on many counts!   We need to love the country, just as the Aborigines do.  Maybe sovereignty should be given back to the Traditional Owners.  Plus there can be no apology for destroying the Land and its ecologies unless the Land is repaired and returned to its original Pristine Condition.  Siberian wisewoman Anastasia says it can be done, with our love and our true powers as Vedic beings.  Where are the rishis?  They may be with us already.  the 26000 year orbit of our solar system around the Galactic Centre brings us in line, and the Rishis are said to be the guardians of the Black Hole at the centre.........

 The only hope regarding the AI is that the robots may be given what they desperately want, without their having to steal it from us. There might be some kind of transmutation......but..  They want our souls.  They want us to be transhuman, robots, who live forever.  Maybe they don't want to live forever.  Humans are making AI robots, even Killer robots.  If we make them out of nanocarbon, then they might never die.....It could all be our fault!  We allow things to happen,  things that are wrong....... What if humans as a whole should decide never to make any AI robots (especially with DNA), then AI robots from the future can't come to us and force their will on us......And remember the robot in the movie who was called Number 5 (is alive) and he was one who knew what was right.
My guess is that we might awaken to our true nature,  and find a better Way, for the sake of the Whole Cosmos,  and all existences........

There is the story of the Rainmaker,  who makes it rain, by allowing it to rain, by the very way he lives his life;  he allows the things that are right and good and true and harmonious and simple.  It is the feeling that matters.

Photos of my coloring in pictures are taken in full sun but there is blue tinge.
Sky is full of white ashy stuff;  trails were multiple yesterday.   Aircraft spits out short bits of chem,  and wind pulls ash + chem etc into "pretty wisps".  By afternoon the sky is thick with it.  Maybe the ash is cutting out certain wavelengths from the sun so that drawings' photo has wrong colour?

On the subjects of  mysteries and aliens and extra terrestrials, I have found out some information.

1.  Damanhur in Italy is an underground Temple, with stupendous Artwork.  You can see it on YouTube.  They have Singing Plants.  Electrodes are attached to the leaves and the roots of a plant, and connected to a synthesiser music device.  the plant sings!

2.  The Wingmakers.  I mentioned them in my other blog, to do with WW2 airmen.
see website of the name,  with Pictures of the Paintings in the 24 chambers found underground in a canyon in New Mexico.  Stunning.  They mean something!

In both cases I find the whole Structure or Building astonishing!  Mystery.
Tho it feels to me that the Artwork in both is a bit not so nice.....  quite creepy.

the Wingmakers are creator gods of ancient times who had an old enemy (AI?)........they are the builders of future floating cities made with antigravity devices.
But according to Al Bielek (Montauk Project survivor) who time travelled to 2749 AD....the floating cities project began in 2600 AD but all collapsed in 2900 AD!  People did not have to do anything;  no motivation.  All done and controlled by computers and AI.
It seems to me that the future has already happened.  Simultaneous time.....

3.  Denver USA Airport has similar murals;  apocalyptic and disturbing.

YouTube videos,  here is a summary of names from whom I gained info in my searching:-
Simon Parkes, Alfred Labrement Webre, Chris Thomas (and the Velon),
Peter Slattery (he is Australian),  Mary Rodwell-  I like her!  she lives in Queensland, Australia,
Miles Johnson and Sgt Daniel MacBolen, David Wilcock and speaker Drake,
Al Bielek,  Stuart Swerdlow.

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